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Super Simple Beef-Burgers

Even if it’s a last minute BBQ (as most tend to be due to our good old weather) there is no excuse for grabbing more than you bargained for with any old box of burgers.  You can knock these up in less than 5 minutes, know exactly what’s in them and pretty much all the ingredients are usually to hand or can be improvised (we do a lot of that in my kitchen).  No worcester sauce, use tomato puree, add in a few herbs, just experiment, and watch the kids munch through them!


1lb extra lean mince steak                  

½ onion finely chopped

1 crushed clove garlic                            

1 egg

1oz whole wheat breadcrumbs             

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

Simply mix the whole lot together and then mold into a number of burger shapes that you need. 

Grill, turning frequently and enjoy – bring on the BBQ!