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Beat the BLOAT this Christmas

Hi Ladies,

I hope you are enjoying the run up to Christmas and are managing to avoid all the sweets and rich food that seems to be around for weeks well before the 25th.

It’s that time of year when you overindulge on rich food and what happens the next day ???

The BLOATED BELLY appears……

Bloated, Puffy, Protruding tummy that feels as hard as nails and is extremely uncomfortable.

Is this YOU ???

It’s often down to food intolerances, so being a detective & working out what doesn’t suit you is such a helpful step in getting a grip on your bloating.

5 Top Tips to Minimise Your Bloating

1:Ditch the Gluten such as bread, cakes, pastries, pasta.

2: Ditch the Dairy and switch to Almond or Coconut Milk.

3: Eat smaller portions SLOWLY.

4: FRUIT contains SUGAR so Beware.

Do you “think” eating lots of fruit is healthy?

Fruit contains sugar & will create a big spike in cortisol & insulin secretion. Go easy on the fruit & consume more veggies.

5:Cut the Caffeine Down or Out if YOU really can’t let go of the caffeine fix go for a black Expresso.

Give these tips a go for 7 days & monitor how your bloating feels. Let me know how you get on !!!

Take advantage of the EARLY BIRD OFFER & book by 31st December.
More details and Booking can be found HERE.