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Too much pressure?

Hi ladies hope that you have had a good week, where are the summer holidays going? We are moving around in our favorite part of Portugal, even after visiting for probably 6 or 7 years we are still finding new beaches, often on our bikes(boys reasonably easily bribed with ice cream stops)

If you fancy a little skipping workout, check out this one I made earlier, (don’t look at the hair, note to self to look in the mirror after putting it up, looks like a wig

I’ve been catching up on reading a few magazines whilst we’ve been away and felt quite saddened by the hidden messages given out, even in some of the better fitness publications. Take a look at social media “stars” with 1000s of followers and it’s even worse!

Every recipe, meal, weight loss programme, fitness workout is advertised alongside a beautiful air brushed model with not a hair out of place. Since when has a sweaty workout left anyone looking like that (certainly not me on my video, ha ha). Even celebrities have every minor flaw pointed out and scrutinized.

Why can’t we look at people without judging? Whilst we know that being overweight can lead to many health related problems, there is plenty of research to suggest that chronic yo yo dieting and the negative self-talk and perceived poor body image that goes along with it can be equally as bad for our health.

many studies have shown that the defining factor in lasting weight loss is self-compassion.
Always beating yourself up for eating “bad” foods and feeling guilty is more likely to lead to bingeing and overeating.

That’s why on my Simple Slimming Solution programme we concentrate on the way the foods we eat make us feel, not whether they are good or bad. Life is all about choices, habits, and behaviors and once we start looking beyond how we look and focus on how we feel and what our bodies can physically do we begin to appreciate how much stronger, more energetic and fitter we become when we take the wider view.

Heres what a couple of ladies from our last 10 week group training programme had to say.

During the 10 week course, I have dropped a dress size. I have improved in fitness – I was purely running before but now with resistance and interval training mixed in, my running speed and stamina have greatly improved. Before I had only ever run a 10k a couple of times and never run more than 6 miles but 7 weeks into this course I completed my first ever half marathon. I am very motivated to keep on with the healthier eating and varied exercises ….this is just the beginning. Kim

Marie’s Small Group Training is excellent.
I wanted something to get me fitter, healthier and looking overall better for a special occasion and, ten weeks later, I am far fitter, healthier and look and weigh less than I did 20 years ago!
Although initially, the Small Group Training was a fair financial consideration for me, it is probably one of the best things I have chosen to do and well worth the investment.
Marie is encouraging, realistic and very practical. She pushes when needed and empathizes when things go awry. Marie totally gets how hectic life can be. All of her meal and exercise plans can be easily fitted around everyday life with no need for hours spent at the gym or any calorie counting.
The ‘whole-body’ approach of this course has helped massively with understanding about the effects of sugar, stress, hormones etc. on our bodies. This is a knowledge that will last a lifetime.
Highly recommended,
Thanks, Marie. :). Cath

Our next 10 week programme will start in September. To keep everyone on track and ensure Personal attention I only work with 4 ladies in a group. Watch this space for more details but please feel free to contact me if you are interested.

Have a Happy, healthy and active week and don’t forget
If you have any questions or queries for me just hit ENTER and send me a message here or on my Facebook page,

Enjoy the Sunshine