One topic that crops up time and time again is that of the dreaded cravings. Often a regular monthly occurence, these crafty cravings can derail even the best laid fat loss plan!
There actually is a physical component to cravings.
Often before a period one of the major cravings is for chocolate. Chocolate contains magnesium which the body has an increased demand for at this time of the month and which is often low anyway. High magnesium foods include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, avocados, yogurt, bananas, dried fruit and dark chocolate Another great reason to eat or drink your greens! For more information on monthly cravings click here
The types of foods we usually turn to in times of stress — carbohydrates like cookies, cakes, chips — help the brain release a chemical called serotonin, which temporarily makes you feel really good.
But that doesn’t mean your body physically needs the food. Nor will it fulfill you. These emotionally driven cravings are rarely satisfied, no matter how much you eat.
With that in mind, take a look at how things have been going for you lately. It might even help to write down what you’re doing before a sweets craving hits.
That can help you pick up on patterns.
Do you think you could be using sweets to soothe your frazzled nerves? If so, see if you can come up with an alternative to snacking. Call a friend, take a hot bath, or take a walk instead.
Some other ideas that may be helpful
1# Get moving.
Exercise gives you a natural serotonin hit so take a walk/run/swim/cycle or whatever you enjoy that makes you feel good.
2# Eat your protein.
Ensure you eat protein at all of your meals, especially breakfast. Protein keeps you full and stops those roller coaster blood sugar levels that get you craving a sugar fix.
3# Ditch the fake/diet sugars.
These mess with your body chemistry and the more SWEET you eat, the more sweet you will crave.
4# Drink water.
Sometimes we mistake being slightly dehydrated as a hunger signal. Have a large glass of water and get into the habit of taking regular sips throughout the day.
5# Check you caffeine intake.
Too much caffeine can lower your bodies serotonin levels over a period of time. Substitute with herbal teas or water if you find yourself frequently reaching for a cuppa.
6# Are you getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep?
When you’re sleepy, you may be using high-carb, high-sugar foods to act as a pick-me-up. And you simply do not have the good judgment you would have had if you had enjoyed a decent nights sleep. So before you know it, you’re down to the bottom of the ice cream tub.
And you’re still tired!
Sleep also has a hand in controlling hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin. So sleep deprivation can lead to those sugar cravings.
It again all boils down to balancing hormones and blood sugar levels which in turn goes back to the foods that we put into our bodies. Low fat, high sugar “fake foods” only make matters worse, creating havoc with your hormones!
If you need any help My Simple Slimming Solution Programme will give you all the information that you need to cut through all the dietary pit falls once and for all along with tons of motivation and support so contact me today to get started