So you’ve just started on your healthy eating plan,feeling good,
done your workouts and then you get that familiar craving for
something “off plan”.
What sets you off?
Maybe it’s that day to day stress, a perceived lack of that valuable
commodity, time, too much multi tasking, poor sleeping habits or
boredom and it is easy to slip into that pattern of poor food choices,
lack of exercise and motivation to change.
The very things that we turn to when the going gets tough,
comfort foods, coffee, alcohol etc are the very things that disrupt our
hormones, deplete our bodies of valuable vitamins and minerals and
pack on the pounds.
I know that for most people , it’s the same types of foods that cause
you to keep wanting more, I’ve yet to meet someone who can’t get
enough broccoli or say, chicken.
Yep, it’s the foods containing the dreaded SUGAR.
Now sugar is a massively addictive substance. It helps the brain to
release a chemical called Serotonin which temporarily makes you
feel good (this is why we often turn to the biscuits/cakes/icecream/
alcohol when we are feeling down). The bad news is that your
serotonin “high” will be short lived, you’ll need your sugar fix again,
eat more and store more body fat ……….and so it goes on.
My 5 Top Tips for ditching those crafty cravings.
1# Get moving. Exercise gives you a natural serotonin hit so take a walk/run/swim/cycle, whatever you enjoy that makes you feel good.
2# Eat your protein. Ensure you eat protein at all of your meals,
especially breakfast. Protein keeps you full and stops those
roller coaster blood sugar levels that get you craving a sugar fix.
3# Ditch the fake/diet sugars. these mess with your body chemistry
and the more SWEET you eat, the more sweet you will crave.
4# Drink water. Sometimes we mistake being slightly dehydrated
as a hunger signal. Have a large glass of water and get into the
habit of taking regular sips throughout the day.
5# Check you caffeine intake. Too much caffeine can lower your
bodies serotonin levels over a period of time. Substitute with herbal
teas or water if you find yourself frequently reaching for a cuppa.
At the end of the day sugar is as addictive as any drug. Think of it as
a drug and just say no…Once you break the habit and your body gets
used to different foods you will soon find that your taste-buds have
changed & actually that double choc chip muffin is just too sweet!
If you are struggling with finding the motivation to get started
My Simple Slimming Solution Programme
will help you to refocus and lose weight whilst eating tasty,
nutritious food. If you would like to work 1-2-1 with me or in
a small group, contact me for details 🙂
Have an active, healthy weekend
Marie |