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A great easy mid week supper, that’s full of all the good stuff!


2 x cod fillets/loins
pinch chili flakes
zest half lime
4 tbsp coconut milk
handful chopped coriander


Mix chili, lime zest, coconut milk and coriander into a bowl.

Remove skin from cod and place each fillet in the middle of  a  large rectangle of foil.  Spoon the sauce over the top, gather the ends of foil together to make a loose parcel and cook on a baking sheet for about 20 minutes until fish flakes easily.  Serve with roasted or steamed vegetables.

Spoon the sauce over the top, gather the ends of foil together to make a loose parcel and cook on a baking sheet for about 20 minutes until fish flakes easily. Serve with roasted or steamed vegetables.

Serve with roasted or steamed vegetables.